1. IDENTITY DATA: In compliance with the duty of information included in Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the following data is presented: the undertaking company of is  PROMOCIONES GAVAIR S.L.,with tax identification number (CIF) B53313573 and registered office Corredora 43, 03202, Elche (Alicante), and contact email address

 2. USERS: Accessing and/or using this website belonging to PROMOCIONES GAVAIR S.L. confers the status of USER, who accepts the general terms of use listed here from the moment of such access or use. The aforementioned terms shall apply regardless of the general terms of engagement that may be binding. 

 3. USE OF THE WEBSITE: provides access to a great deal of information as well as many services and programmes and a lot of data (henceforth referred as “content”) online owned by PROMOCIONES GAVAIR, S.L. which the USER can access. The USER is responsible for using the website and such responsibility extends to any registration that may be necessary to access some services or content.  When USERS register they are responsible for providing accurate and lawful information. As a consequence of registering, USERS will be provided with a password they will be responsible for, as they shall commit themselves to use it diligently and confidentially. USERS agree to make appropriate use of the content and services PROMOCIONES GAVAIR, S.L. offers on its website, and not to use them for activities that may be unlawful or contrary to public policy, national defence or public health.

In any case, PROMOCIONES GAVAIR, S.L. reserves the right tounilaterally modify, at any time and without prior notice, the structure and design of the website and to modify or eliminate services or contents, as well as the conditions of access and/or use of the website.

Likewise, PROMOCIONES GAVAIR, S.L. reserves the right to modify these terms of use at any time, as well as any other special conditions listed on the website


 In compliance with the provisions of General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on Personal Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights, we inform the users that personal data provided voluntarily through any of the means we use to collect information shall be included in the the automated processing of personal data activities owned by PROMOCIONES GAVAIR S.L., with the aim of providing our services as well as keeping you informed on matters relating to the activities and services of the company. All fields marked with a “*” are compulsory, and not filling in these fields will stop the USER from enjoying some services and information available on the website. The data concerned will be processed confidentially.

 PROMOCIONES GAVAIR, S.L. entirely complies with legislation in force in matters of protection of personal data and with confidentiality commitments specific to its activities.

PROMOCIONES GAVAIR, S.L. has adopted the necessary technical safeguards to maintain the protection level needed, according to the nature of personal data and the circumstances of processing, with the aim of preventing, to the extent possible and always depending on the state of the art, unauthorized changes, loss, processing or access. Data sharing with data processors, partner companies and the general government, which may verify the accuracy of these data, may be necessary for the previously mentioned management.

When the USER provides personal data concerning other natural persons, the USER shall inform them of the contents of this clause beforehand in accordance with the provisions of General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on Personal Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights.

PROMOCIONES GAVAIR, S.L.,as responsible for processing activities, guarantees the exercise of rights of access, rectification, erasure, restriction, objection and portability of data provided in accordance with the provisions of General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on Personal Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights. USERS may exercise these rights at any time by writing to the registered office and including a copy of their identity card or passport.

PROMOCIONES GAVAIR, S.L. guarantees that all commercial communications to customers adhere to current regulations.

Therefore, in compliance with Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce and General Law 9/2014 on Telecommunications, we inform the USER that PROMOCIONES GAVAIR S.L.may electronically send information on products and services of interest due to your consent.

You may withdraw your consent at any time by email to

5. USE OF COOKIES: We inform the USER that this website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that are stored in the USERS' computer browser in order to track their activity by sending an anonymous identification which it later stores with the aim of offering an easier browsing experience by allowing previously registered USERS to access exclusive areas, services and offers without always having to register. Cookies can also be used to measure the audience, traffic and browsing parameters, the login time and/or to control the progress and number of visits. At all times, PROMOCIONES GAVAIR, S.L. will endeavour to establish adequate mechanisms to get the USER's consent to install the necessary cookies. Nevertheless, it should be noted that, in accordance with the law, it shall be deemed that (i) USERS have consented when they adapt their browser's settings to disable cookies blocking and that (ii) this consent shall not be necessary to install those cookies which are strictly necessary to provide a service expressly required by the USER (who has previously registered).

It is possible that some cookies used on this website may not be related to PROMOCIONES GAVAIR, S.L. The reason for this is that there is some content from third-party websites on some pages of this website (such as YouTube videos).

Given that this content comes from a different website, PROMOCIONES GAVAIR, S.L. does not control the settings of such cookies. You shall access the websites of such third parties if you want information on how to change settings. 

 6. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: PROMOCIONES GAVAIR, S.L.,itself or as a transferee, is the holder of all intellectual property rights of its website, as well as all its contents (including, but not limited to, pictures, sound, audio, video, software, trademarks and logos, colour combinations, structure and design), so they may not be copied, distributed or publicly announced, which includes the disclosure of all or part of the contents of this website, in any format and through any means, without prior permission from PROMOCIONES GAVAIR, S.L.

USERS commit themselves to respect intellectual property rights owned by PROMOCIONES GAVAIR, S.L. USERS may not delete, modify, avoid or manage any of the protection devices or security systems installed on the website.  

7. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: PROMOCIONES GAVAIR, S.L. is not responsible in any way for any damages that may arise, including, but not limited to, errors or inaccuracies in the content, unavailability of the website or viruses and malware that come from the content on the website, despite having taken all the necessary technological measures to prevent it. 

Service failures, failures in communication networks, problems resulting from malfunctions or use of any version of a browser which is not optimized, potential security bugs that may occur or potential damages to a USER's computer system, to its files or to its documents owing to viruses on the computer which was used to access services and content on the website, phone faults, interferences, omissions or disconnections in the operational functioning of the electronic system beyond PROMOCIONES GAVAIR, S.L.'s control; from the knowledge of the type, conditions, characteristics and access scenarios and use of the website as well as the information and services. From the USERS making an unlawful, negligent or fraudulent use that is contrary to these general terms of use, to bona fide, to general purposes accepted or to public policy of the website, including services and content.

8. MODIFICATIONS: PROMOCIONES GAVAIR, S.L. reserves the right to modify the website without prior notice where appropriate, and it is entitled to change, delete or add any content and services as well as their appearance and situation within the webpage.

9. LINKS: If includes any link or hyperlink to other internet sites, in no way will PROMOCIONES GAVAIR, S.L. control such sites and content. Under no circumstances will PROMOCIONES GAVAIR, S.L. take responsibility for the content belonging to a different website, nor will it guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, range, veracity, validity and constitutionality of any kind of material or content coming from these links or from other sites. Likewise, including these external links will not involve any type of association, merger or participation with the related interests.  

 10. RIGHT TO EXCLUDE: PROMOCIONES GAVAIR, S.L. reserves the right to block the access to any USER in the event of any sign of misuse of services provided without prior notice, at its own request or by a third party, to those users who breach these general terms of use.

11. GENERALITIES: PROMOCIONES GAVAIR, S.L. will pursue the breach of the terms and conditions herein, as well as any kind of misuse of its site, by bringing civil and criminal proceedings that may be available by law.

12. MODIFICATION AND DURATION OF TERMS: PROMOCIONES GAVAIR, S.L. may change these terms and conditions at any time, and they should be properly published as they are here. Their validity shall depend on their exposition and they shall be in force until they are modified and properly posted.

13. APPLICABLE LAW AND JURISDICTION: the relationship between PROMOCIONES GAVAIR, S.L. and the USER shall be governed by current Spanish regulations and any dispute shall be brought to the Courts of Elche.